viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

What is Atlantis?

Atlantis is a small island near Isla Tortuga were a few idealists are trying to build a completely free society based on a true social contract between people, not laws imposed by rulers.

It is a refuge for many who are oppressed by political tyranny, a place beyond the power of governments and states. A land of individual rights based on the ideas of Liberty.

It also hopes to be a shining example to the world, the seed of a new, freer society which will come in the 21st century. It will be the laboratory were the ideas of peaceful market anarchy are tried out so that the world may learn.

What Hong Kong did 20 years ago, showing China the way with it's prosperity and freedom, we hope to do in America. Starting with Venezuela, were the socialist and statist ideas are quickly ruining the country and the people. Atlantis will provide a scape valve, a place to go when Chavez has finished dragging us on the road to serfdom and has done to Venezuela what Mugabe did to Zimbabwe.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

This is happening NOW:

Sound familiar? How far has Hugo gone along this list?